
World's Leading Conversational AI Voicebot

Home Smart Routing

Smart Routing


Make your Communication easy with Smart Routing

Smart routing with an AI Voicebot uses AI and natural language processing to efficiently handle user queries by understanding intent and directing them to the right resource, such as a department, human agent, or self-service option.

Make your Communication easy with Voicebot360 Smart Routing

Trusted By 200+ Businesses

What is Smart Routing
Smart Routing

What is Smart Routing

In a Voicebot, smart routing uses artificial intelligence and voice-activated technology to route the calls to the appropriate department based on a variety of factors, such as the caller’s needs, agent availability, and the urgency of the request.


Smart routing in a voice bot improves the efficiency and effectiveness of communication processes while reducing the workload on individual agents and freeing up their time to focus on higher-value tasks.


Easily Integrate with Your Existing Systems

VoiceBot360 is leading the way in voice automation, empowering businesses across industries to provide exceptional voice experiences to their customers. Our AI voice bot system easily integrates with your existing systems and applications, like CRM, Call center software, ERP, or any other application to provide more accurate and relevant responses.

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How Voicebot360 Smart
Routing can benefit your business

Improve effectiveness and communication process with smart routing.

Quick Information Retrieval

Instant Access

Voicebot access databases and information systems to retrieve data related to the customer's query. This allows them to provide real-time and accurate responses without the need for human intervention.

Seamless Handover

Seamless Handover

If the voice bot can't fully resolve the customer's issue or if the customer prefers to speak with a human agent, the smart routing system can transfer the call to an available agent.

Contextual Data Sharing
Contextual Data Sharing

Contextual information from the voicebot interaction is shared when the call transfers to a human agent. This ensures a seamless handover, saving customers from repeating themselves.


Explore Our Features

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Extract emotional information from customer interactions with voicebot360 accurate sentiment analysis. Identify customer opinions about a product or service behind a text and use this information to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)

Conversational AI voice bot uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) which recognizes spoken words and converts them into text. ASR makes it possible for voice bots to provide more accurate and personalized responses to user queries.


Multi-lingual Voicebot

Our multi-lingual Voicebot Solutions use natural language processing and machine learning to understand and respond to customer inquiries in multiple languages. Voicebot360 detects the language being used in the conversation and switch to that language seamlessly.


What our Valued Clients have to say

This is What Our Esteemed Clients Have to Say

Here are some of our happy customer’s reviews about our services.