
World's Leading Conversational AI Voicebot

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Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy will be effective upon your acknowledgement and agreement. It applies to Voicebot360.ai (the “Platform” or “Web Site” or “App” or “Emails”) owned and operated by Voicebot360. In this Policy, we explain how we collect, process, use, and secure the information provided by users. This Policy may be amended over time to incorporate new changes. For the purpose of this Policy, personal information includes any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This Policy applies to all users and visitors of the Platform. By using the Platform, you are bound by our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy. This Policy applies only to information collected, processed, and used through the Platform and does not extend to information collected through other channels, such as offline methods or other platforms.


This Policy aims to protect the privacy of user information and explains the types of personal information we collect when you use our services. We use this information to personalize your experience and provide relevant content and options. By visiting the Platform, you explicitly accept the collection, use, and transfer of your personal information as described in our Terms & Conditions and this Policy. Please read these documents carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law.

User’s Consent to Information Collected

When using the Platform, you expressly consent to our processing of your Personal Information for the purposes described in our Terms & Conditions and this Policy. This includes creating a personalized account based on information you provide, contacting you about updates and services, and conducting surveys and promotions. We may use your information to improve our services and provide you with relevant content and advertisements. Rest assured, we will not share your Contact Information (e.g., mobile number, email address) without your acceptance of a request from another user.

Information Automatically Collected

We use cookies and electronic tools to improve the Platform’s performance and enhance your user experience. Cookies are small files placed on your device to remember your preferences and understand your interests. We also collect limited information about your device and its connection to the Internet, which helps us deliver web pages and measure traffic.

How Information is Used by Voicebot360

The information you provide helps us improve our services and personalize your experience. We use it to create personalized content, provide you with relevant advertising, conduct internal operations, and generate aggregate statistical data. Your data will be protected through industry-standard security measures.

Information Sharing and Third-Party Disclosures

We may share your information in limited circumstances, such as required by law or to enforce our rights. We do not rent, sell, or share your personal information for marketing purposes. In case of reorganization or sale of assets, user information may be transferred with the acquirer’s compliance.

Choice Regarding Personal Information

You have the option to deactivate your account or opt-out of certain communications. Ensure that your login credentials are kept confidential and use strong passwords for your account.

Privacy of Minors

The Platform is intended for users aged 18 and above. Users under 18 must have parental or guardian consent.

Amendments to the Policy

This Policy may be updated from time to time, and the revised version will be effective immediately. We encourage you to review this page regularly for the latest information.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Policy, you can contact our customer care at (888)123-4587.


We reserve the right to change the Terms and Policy as seen fit, and your continued use of the Platform signifies your acceptance of any amendments. The user plays a vital role in keeping their personal information secure, and we will take reasonable measures to protect it. However, data transmitted over the internet cannot be fully secured, and we cannot guarantee complete protection against unauthorized access.